
Monday, June 1, 2009

I Almost Barfed.

So, this morning I started the new rage at the Ogden Athletic Club, "Crossfit". 5 days a week at 6 a.m. I didn't think it would be a huge deal cause I exercise almost every, lift weights, etc. Oh-my-heck. I almost barfed. I haven't sweated so much in my life. When I got home my eyes were flashing and I could hardly walk! I guess I wasn't in as good of shape as I thought.

Crossfit is all about using lots of muscles at one time and doing it as fast as you can. Just when you're exhausted from running many laps around the track, you have to hustle and start doing 20 upside down push-ups, 20 pullups, and 20 deep, deep, deep squats with weights. Just when you think you are going to die. You do it again. As fast as you can. It was insane, and I have to go again tomorrow! I'm scared. But, watch out...pretty soon you'll need to be scared of me and my huge muscles.

Check out the madness here! And, come join me!



Becky said...

OH, wow. I don't think I could have done that. I am impressed!

The Wangsgard's said...

Wow! That is CRAZY! I'm having flashbacks of soccer training! I'm impressed you want to go back tomorrow! That a girl! It looks like exactly what I need... good luck... I'll stick to my running for now! haha

just dandee said...

I am exhausted from just watching that! You go girl. I am impressed you are planning to return.

Bruces said...

I'm going to have nightmares of that video. Scary!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!! I wanna do it!

Yatesfam said...

Good job! I heard that is a killer...stick to it!!

KT said...

goodluck with that, I tuned out after 6am!