
Saturday, May 30, 2009

?? if I eat after midnight tonight am I breaking any rules???

Friday, May 29, 2009

I gave up date night dessert....

I forgot to mention my name on my last post.... My name is Camille Henrie. I somehow managed to convince my husband to go running with me for our date night. We ran two miles up Snow Basin Road and then back down (in preparation for my upcoming relay). It only took about 50 minutes, but it was a good workout (about a 10% grade on some parts!) After that we went to dinner at Harley and Bucks in Eden, Utah. We always share a dessert on date night, but tonight I passed it up.... Crème brûlée.... and boy it looked delicious (and only 1 measly point!!!) My husband said to just trade it for Sunday but I told him "if I cheated and won the contest, it wouldn't really feel like winning right?" (Don't worry, I caved and had dessert on Tuesday, and I took that point off my score!) SCORE ONE FOR SELF-CONTROL!


Hey, sorry I haven't posted yet, I was working out! I'm Teresa Cheney. I can't get to my pictures right now so I'll have to post one later...sorry. Well, for starters I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I teach 5th and 6th grade orchestra which is super fun. Other than that, I like being outside. Hiking is great among most other outdoor activities. I also enjoy reading and music and stuff like that...kinda boring I guess. Anyway, the reason I am so excited about this challenge is because since starting my master's program over a year ago, I have expanded my stomach more than my brain! I'm young and single and I want to feel good about myself and have energy to party it up. Pretty much everything on the list is a challenge for me right now but especially drinking...not a big drinker...and exercise. I have a bulged disc in my back which makes moving painful but I do it anyway! Mostly I just go to the gym and use their fabulous equipment. I don't have a blog but if you want to see who I am, I do have a facebook. Well, I'm pretty much gonna kick everyone's trash, I'm pretty dedicated to stuff like this so yeah, watch your back!

Fun idea for exercise...

(This is a picture we took at the top)
I don't know about the rest of you but I get sick of the usual runs and gym workouts.. Jesse and I took a hike up to waterfall canyon this week and it was so beautiful and for sure fulfilled our 45 mins of exercise... Right now with the spring thaw the water is incredible!!


This is Natalie, coming to you from my BlackBerry at Chick-fil-a where my kids are having ice cream, BUT I AM NOT.

I just thought you should know.

It Could Be Worse...

Your welcome,


the Hi, Im Cassie Green. I had a baby about 3 months ago, so its time to get my butt in gear! I'd love to loose few pounds and just feel better and in control of my body more. 
The hardest part for me I think will be the exercising, my husband got me a jogging stroller for mothers day (maybe that was his hint... just kindding I really wanted it) so I need to start putting it to good use. And also i've never been a big breakfast eater, I just never have an appetite in the morning and it seems like i'm always busy and forget about it, but I guess ill just have to teach my self to get in the habit. 
I love summer, diet coke, decorating my house, shoes, and hanging out with my little family!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swimsuit Season... Yikes!

Well it's that time of the year again, and I've been saying forever how Im going to be in great shape for something or other.  Well it's gotta be now or it ain't never gonna happen.  Yes this is my usual attire, so everything is hidden, but I want to wear cute clothes!

My weakness will be the sweets Im sure, but Mariel has given great options for that dilemma.  
Working out isn't hard for me, it's the getting there to work out.  I've been going at 5 in the mornings, but some days it's hard to get out of bed.  
I love gardening, reading, cooking, and hanging out with my fam.  My hubby and I like to just chill at night watching tv..... that's when I get the munchies.
Our family blog is but I wouldn't waste your time:)
But would on this one-
Good Luck Everyone!

Here we are, contestants Marc and Bonnie Wangsgard. Married almost seven years with three kids (the newest of which is sitting on my lap in the picture). My reasons for doing this health competition are:
#1- to be more healthy
#2- to fit back into my pre-baby clothes. (None of which fit yet and since I don't have enough money to go buy new ones weight loss is really the only option.

The things that are going to be tricky for me are of course, the no sugar rule and excercising. I usually go exercise with my kids in a double jogging stroller but now that I have three it has become more complicated. I've tried putting my older ones in the double jogger and carrying my baby in a carrier but it's a little crazy. And now that it's summer in Las Vegas, it's getting to like 100 degrees by eight in the morning! Not ideal but I am figuring things out.

The best part of the competition is having Marc do it with me. He should really be writing his own comments but I think he might not ever get around to it- so I'll answer for him. Hope he doesn't mind. I think Marc's reasons for doing the health challenge are:
#1-He's getting really fat! Just kidding. He looks great, but I guess he thinks he should drop a few lbs.
#2-Marc loves any challenge especially if it involves MONEY!

So Marc's challenges are that he loves soda in every variety except diet, he hasn't ever really been on any kind of diet before, and he doesn't have a lot of free time what with medical school and all so excercising has been kind of hit and miss for him even though he loves any kind of physical activity. Here is a picture of Marc doing some physical activity.

Oops! Sorry, I guess I uploaded the wrong one. But good luck to everyone! And by the way our blog is if you care to check out more about us.

Exercise Clarification


Fast Paced Walking
Bike Riding
Playing Sports
Work-Out Videos
Strenuous Yard Work (mowing, digging, lifting, etc.)
Going to the Gym (working out there, not tanning or hanging out at the snack bar)

Not Exercise

"Chasing After Your Kids"
Grocery Shopping
Trying to remember all the times you walked up and down the stairs, stood up, or lifted something during the day and assuming it totaled 45 minutes.


Is it Sunday yet?

I'm Paula Bruce and boy do I hate pictures of myself. I'm the one with the baby. I joined this competition to loose weight, eat better and hopefully gain more energy. I want to be able to wear a swimming suit and feel ok about it. I also want to feel comfortable with my picture being taken.
The hardest part for me will be everything!!! I love chocolate, soda, fries, icecream the list could go on for years.

My favorite way to get exercise used to be swimming but I don't have time for that these days. I try walking as often as possible which is a great workout for me since I take my boys with me in the double stroller...that thing is heavy!

I like scrapbooking and doing misc. crafts, I love snowboarding but I haven't been for a while and I love swimming, being by a pool or beach, just living it up in the sun.

I have a family blog you can look at but I'm warning you now, it's not very entertaining.

I just want to add that it's only Wednesday and already I'm hurting for something good to brownies or cookies, mmmmmm. I'm seriously counting down the days until Sunday. I really appreciate the tips on salty foods we can eat posted today by Mariel. I just might make it now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Salty Snack Cravings??

Are you needing some munchies, a little salt, but need to stick to your healthy ways??

Try Pirate's Booty, made out of cornmeal and puffed rice with white cheddar. It's all natural, has very few ingredients and calories. My kids love it! There's nothing cuter than your kids asking for some "booty". You can get these in 2 packs at Costco or I've found it at Albertson's in their natural foods section.

Another good one is the Sensible Portions Veggie Crisps. I bought mine at Costco. All natural, made with potatoes, rice, carrots, spinach, etc. They are lightly salted and totally satisfy my junk food cravings.


Bring It!!!

So here are a few pics to get to know us. We are Dan and Deanne Jacobs.
We met at Layton High School when we were oh-so-fit and fabulous...
Now...14 1/2 years later...10 1/2 years of marriage... 3 crazy boys (6, 4,& 21 months)...
and a few extra pounds... WE ARE READY!!! So we say again...
Now to answer "the questions"...
1. Why? It's time.
2. The hardest part for me (Dee) will be the sugar. I do LOVE a good treat.
3. Who's trash will I kick? My wonderful and very competitive hubby, DAN JACOBS!
(He needs a good humbling) Dan has said he plans, I mean "WILL kick everyones' trash"!
4. Food cravings? Dee: baked goods and cheesy chips... Yummmmmy!
Dan: the new throwback Pepsi and Mountain Dew (that very well could be his ONLY nemisis)
5. Excercise? Now this is the one part of this competition that we are actually pretty good at.
Dan and I are both up about 5am each morning for our workouts.
Dan: kicks butt with the P90X program, burning thousands (not exaggerating) of calories on the eliptical and runs on his lunch break at work. Told you he was NOT kidding around.
Dee: I tend to get board with the same old routines so I mix it up a bit. I love to do kickboxing, Ken Po, weights, power walk, and am trying to start running, which I DO NOT LOVE.
6. Hobbies/ Interest? We love hanging with our boys doing everything outdoors, hiking, biking, water and snow skiing (when we can), and working in our yard, Dan especially loves gardening. We love movies, rainy or snowy days, and always look forward to the occasional DATE NIGHT!
7. Blog? We do have a family blog: BUT it is PRIVATE. Not because we are private people, just a bit paranoid of the weirdos. So... if you'd love to get to know more about us just send us an e-mail to and we will decide if you are one of those weird ones or not.
So... GOOD LUCK TO ALL... but just be warned that we, I mean I plan to win.
*Actually I think we could all be considered WINNERS if we give me hubby a little humbling.... Just a little food for thought. :)

I'm Ready for a Change...

My name is Kristen Carpentier. My friend Brenda Bachrach posted this challenge on her blog and I mentioned it to my sister Kim (another competitor). I have added the picture up above with my husband because I just LOVE the spare tire around my middle. It was a great reminder though of exactly why I wanted to do this.

I have a major sweet tooth. I always say I will not eat one more cookie/brownie/bite of ice cream (after the first 20) and always end up making myself sick since I have no will power and I love to bake. I LOVE sugar!!! I also love to workout, but never seem to find the time with 4 crazy kids and 2 little ones at home not in school. I am tired of only having a couple of things in my closet that I wear every day (that all seem to be black) and not being able to fit into any of my old stuff. I am completely stuck in a rut. I HATE to lose and am hoping that this is the kick in the pants I need to make time and make better choices and finally show some will power. You are welcome to check out my family blog if you're bored.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Let's get started!

My name is Melanie Wangsgard. This is the only picture of me alone that I can find too. I have been married 4 1/2 yrs and have 2 kids. (2 1/2 yr old and a 1 yr old) I'm excited to finally start this competition! I have been telling myself I'll start it early... but when it comes down to it, I needed someone to be accountable to. I'm doing this for a few reasons: feel healthy, loose weight, and I'm just super competitive! Plus, my major was in exercise and nutrition so I should be the most in shape person right! Ha ha. I'm working on it! The hardest part will be the NO SUGAR RULE! We are also going to Lake Powell and it will be tricky to always eat healthy and exercise for 45 min consecutively. I love to run, play soccer, and do any work out that makes me sweat! My main competitor... DAN JACOBS! He's my brother-in-law and has already lost 14lbs! He's going to be a tough one, but I think I can take him! :) Our family blog is if you want to check it out.

I want to be the biggest WINNER!!

Hey, This is Jamie Bowers. I also don't take very many pictures of myself and apparently I have lost my camera charger with pictures from the last 6 months so this is as current as I can get at the moment. A little about me: I have been married to my hubby Travis for almost seven years and we have three kids, Kamryn (3) and twins Dax and Alexis (11 months). I think the day after I got married was the day I stopped exercising...seriously. I love to travel, be out in the sun, sit on my porch w/Travis and shoot the breeze, cook, hang out with the kiddos, girls night with my friends, read, watch lame reality TV shows, and shop. So after 7 years of being lazy and three kiddos later I am ready to get back on the bandwagon and get my trash back in shape!! The reason I wanted to do this was mainly to prove that I can. To have self control and learn to say no again. I want to feel good about myself, I want to have energy, I want to be healthy and feel like I am in control of my life again! It's so easy to get caught up in the daily grind of being a mom and put yourself last.
So this is me and Trav right before we got married. I was going through old pics and found this one and as much as I want to look like this again I know its not totally realistic. let's face it moms, your body changes after the kids. Things "shift" and "expand" and its never the same again. Mainly I put this picture up because of the way I felt at this time. I was eating healthy, I was working out, I was eating treats in moderation and most of all I was HAPPY about the way I looked. I have never been super small and I don't care to be. The goal for me is not to lose a certain amount of pounds or even be a certain size. I just want to be happy with the way I look (and be able to fit in my clothes again...and be able to put a swimming suit on without having a melt down in the mirror). The biggest challenge for me will be the treats and working out. I eat treats every day. I feel like I don't have 10 minutes in the day so finding 45 minutes to work out will be tricky! As far as working out goes I love kickboxing, weight lifting and pilates. I am excited to do this. I am excited to push my self. I am excited to have discipline again. I want to feel in CONTROL again and to feel EMPOWERED. I can do this!! You can check out my blog at

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hi! My name is Brenda Bachrach. I have three little boys: Brigham (6), Hunter (3), and Seth (7 months). I have accepted this health challenge as my final desperate attempt to lose my baby weight from my first 2 kids! The biggest challenge for me overall will be giving up chocolate Monday thru Saturday, but the biggest challenge this week is that I'm moving from Oklahoma back to Arizona and will be without my exercise equipment ALL WEEK LONG! I guess I'll have to get creative. My computer with all my pics on it crashed, so if you want to know what I look like you'll have to look me up on facebook or check out my blog:

Ready, Set, Go!

So, apparently not a lot of pictures are taken of me alone. I'm usually the one with the camera and/or I subconsciously delete all yucky pictures of myself...thus leaving very few! So, here I am at super lame Disney on Ice with my little Audrey and my cousin (your other fierce competitor), Jessica Salmon and her little girl.

I'm doing this because for one reason. I want to be skinny. That's all there is to it, my friends. I just look better skinny. I don't wear extra pounds very well! Okay, it's not the only reason. Being healthy IS an added bonus. It does make life so much better to have the energy to do things. I also love the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing something that's hard. So, here I am!

Here is our attempt at a family shot on Easter. The kids were too interested in the hidden eggs they were seeing!
Besides wanting to be skinny....I want: to golf every weekend, to know everything in the world about every plant in the world, to play with my 4 kids and never think about the messy house, to have a few extra hours in every day that I could spend in my workshop doing crafts, to be a scriptorian/church history expert, to play volleyball with my friends in the park, to be able to name any bird I see, to write the children's stories I have stored in my head...I could go on and on. I'm obviously short on time.

What were the other questions?? Oh, the hardest thing for me is going to be the exercise. I can usually manage to fit in a few days a week...but every day is a big deal. But, I've done it before (I just finished a similar challenge) so I know I can do it again. It's also pretty hard to give up sweets. I just totally replenish myself on Sundays. I love having a day to look forward to, makes it way more bearable. Lastly, I do have a couple blogs you can spy on me from... and

Good luck to all of you! Be sure to post your tips/ideas/gripes/recipes whatever on this blog!
Hey this is Christianna Sisk. I'm excited to get started tomorrow on a much overdue healthy eating/exercise plan. I'm participating because I've been a terrible procrastinator and I have become a "just get through" the day person...eating sugar and never exercising. I think the exercise will definetly be the hardest thing. I work full time and have lots of responsibilites outside of work as well. I have four kids and one grandaughter (two more on the way) and I am married to a minister. It's very rare to have any "extra" time so I'll will have to be deliberate about MAKING time to exercise.
I play the piano and like to read and go to movies when I get a chance. I also really like Starbucks Cafe Mochas which will be a no-no sad! I really look forward to family vacations when we can get away!
Thanks for the jumpstart, I have really needed a motivator....I know that this is going to be worth the work!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hello there! This is me...well most of me anyway, this is how I usually feel when I am "dieting" so I am glad that I am not dieting now, just making some healthy changes in my life!

I am the mother of five, and unfortunately I can't claim I gained any weight with the birth of my children...they are all adopted. I can claim that I gain weight from cooking, cooking and seems like the cooking/cleaning never ends! (hey, does cleaning count as exercise???)

I am currently registered to run in the Ragnar Relay next month (only 18.5 miles total!) and the Little Red Riding Hood Century (100 mile bike ride) in Logan on June 6th, that should keep my busy for the exercise portion (for June at least).

I think the hardest part of this contest will be staying away from the "sugar" items! My self-control will be put to the test for sure! My goal is to just feel better/ look better and maybe lose a few inches along the way...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hooray for growing up..

Hey, everyone! Kendal here, 17 going to be a senior next year.. My mom told me about this competition and I thought it would be a good way to make eating healthier a habit. I'll be going off to college next year and I'm hoping to prevent the "freshman 15.." so I might as well start now! Also, the cash is another incentive.. ;) Great way to add to a college fund, so I'll be doing the best I can!

The hardest part of the competition for me, personally would have to be NO eating after 8:30.. I'm always snacking or having a late-night dinner.. Whoops.

I really want to kick my own trash into shape! (Another reason for entering the program..) I'm not too competitive, so you won't hear many of those comments coming from me. It'll be nice to have my mom doing this with me so she can watch me like a hawk.. haha. But really the main reason I want to do this is to whip myself into shape and maybe shed a few pounds for swimsuit season! Oh wouldn't that be grand..

I. Love. Food. Personally, I don't see how anyone could stop eating. There's too many delicious flavors to try out, it never gets old! Anywho, ice cream. Ice cream is my weakness. Give me ice cream, I guarantee you, I will eat it. "All things in moderation" though. I also love breads. Homemade = Divine. Period.

Biking, hiking, walking, and dancing are probably my favorite ways to get exercise. I'm not the best dancer, but give me a partner and I can swing up a storm! Swing dancing is so great.. I've also taken up hula-hooping recently (lame, I know.. but it seriously works your abs!).. I've gotten quite good actually and it's really fun!
Life would not be complete without music. There is music to fit any kind of mood, and making music is just that much greater! I love to play the piano, sing, and I'm working on guitar..
I could quite possibly be the youngest competetor in this competition, but I've got will power! ;)
And I don't have a blog or family website.. just facebook. Ha.

Hi guys! We are Jessica and Jesse (or as the neighbor kids call us the boy and girl one) Rowe. We met last July, got engaged in September and married in November. Due to our whirlwind romance and marriage our once exercise-filled lives have dwindled to occasionally walking our dog. Due to my newly acquired skill of cooking we have both found our pants to be fitting a little snug! We constantly talk about how we should really get back into the swing of exercising but have not done much about it.
We have recently formed a naughty addiction to Burger Bar shakes and hope that over the next couple of months they don't prove to be our downfall in the competition.
Some of our favorite things to do besides sitting on our butts are: lifting weights, running, long walks on the beach, and playing sports.... We also enjoy good chick flicks, reading, cooking together, fixing up our house, and reality T.V., Jesse really likes camping- which means I will soon be learning to enjoy camping- and I love to travel!
You can check out my blog which occasionally has info about the both of us at

Let the Games Begin

Becky James here. That sweet baby girl in the picture is one of the reasons I am doing this. Not only do I need to shed the baby weight, I also want to teach my two girls how to eat right and take care of themselves. What better way right?! (And since she is 7 months-old now, I can't use the excuse that I just had a baby.)

I think the hardest part for me will be fitting in the exercise and making sure that I don't run to sugar for that afternoon pick-me-up, i.e., ice cream, chocolate, or anything else I can find. I know that I need to do this and I don't look at it as depriving myself, but as taking the time to take care of myself.

Back in the day when I actually did exercise, I loved to take step, kickboxing, or just about any other aerobics class. I also loved to run on my treadmill, but I fear doing that while the girls are awake, and it is almost too loud to do while they are sleeping.

Other hobbies and interest...I enjoy crafting, cooking, baking, reading, and having a clean house. Most of these don't get done on a daily basis, but a girl can dream. I love pop culture trivia, but find that lack of sleep is slowly turning my mind to mush. Best of all, I love to play with my girls and I am so grateful that I can see the world through their eyes.

We have a family blog, but it is private, so if you want an invite just let me know.

I am excited to get to know everyone and learn some fun healthy tricks and tips.

i'm so gonna kick your trash

Natalie here: mother of two, wife of Neil, coming to you not so chubby, but recovering from an iliotibial band and hip injury in March that sat me on my bum for a good six weeks.

In six weeks without exercise, that bum went south, y'all, and all my muscles turned to mush. Me. no. likey.

So I'm here to get my mojo back with some extra incentive ($ka-ching$) and great friends.

My favorite ways to exercise are weight lifting, running and step aerobics/functional training, with yoga and pilates thrown in once a week for rest and increased flexibility.

The hardest part of this competition for me will be the meal planning, dinner in particular. While breakfast and lunch aren't too challenging for me, dinnertime is crunch-time at my house. I'm hoping to develop a more organized approach to the evening meal. I also sometimes get so busy in the afternoon that I forget to eat lunch, and then I am too hungry by dinner. I will strive to eat lunch regularly.

For the next ten weeks I will plan most meals and snacks out of the Hungry Girl books.

Some things to know about me...I like to play piano, work in the yard, read, and record things on TiVo but not watch them.

I also love to blog, and you are most welcome to join the insanity at my life as neil's wife.

Oh, I almost forgot. I do not like to lose.

Bring it.

It's Almost Time!!

The competition starts this Sunday!...which is your free day, so really it's Monday. Monday is Memorial Day so it might be a little tricky for you, but you can do it!
Y'all can post here any time you want! Feel free to post some recipes, ideas, trash talking, quotes, random thoughts, etc. You should have received a "permission to author" email. Let me know if you didn't.
I'm excited!